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at Lake Atitlan we are planning to Rescue the Waters, Lands and Original Seeds of our region

by Collaborating with local Maya Traditional Permaculturists to create a series of short videos on basic themes and sharing these clips with communities, local, and online.

Take into account the advantages we still have..
1.  traditional Maya farmers whose culture successfully survived thousands of years without contaminating the planet, practicing the Permaculture of their ancestors.

2.  the continuing sustainability of the food economy in our region. 

The majority of the population in the Lake Atitlan Basin are not tourists or restaurant and hotel owners... they are FARMERS ... they produce corn, vegetables, meat and chcken, milk and cheese, herbs and natural medicines... all the basic necessities for the survival of the internal economy that they themselves depend on.
Traditional families in the Maya highlands recycle and compost, preserve original seeds for continuing crop survival, plant varieties of food in the same plot to renourish the land and keep the family diet balanced. 
These traditions are recently being discarded for new ideas for commercial development.  The main threat to the local economy is monoculture for export, creating dependency on the use of chemicals and patented GMO seed. 

the Guatemalan government bribes votes with gifts of chemical fertilizers that destroy the land.  We want to stand beside them and distribute worms and info how to make your land rich.
make sure the farmers remember that Saving Seed is still essential to their survival
and to ours as a planet of consumers.

Short videos in digital format can make this clear and digestible for non-literate communities, local school kids and youth groups, rural farmers worldwide who are gaining more access to international forums on line...

and appeal to the international community of conscious consumers.

Donaciones en quetzales:  Acción Guatemala​

Donate on this site and become a Radio Kajol sponsor.

we are offering a few small motivators ...

$5 to $50   a heartfelt Thank You from Everybody here.

$50 to $100  a small banner on our site

$100 to $500  a really cool Tshirt, and a medium sized banner on our site

$500 to $1000  a really cool Tshirt, a banner and a recorded commercial for your business or organization on our site.

​$1000 and up... Tshirts, CD´s of mixtapes, banners and recorded commercials for your organization

Taller con Agricultor Maya 

Workshop with Traditional Maya Farmer

Simón Eduardo Lejá Bixcul

al Lago Atitlan estamos planificando el Rescate de las Aguas, la Tierra, y las Semillas Originales de nuestra región​
por Colaborar con los Permaculturistas Mayas Tradicionales en crear un series de videos cortos en los temas ambientales basicos y compartir los clips con comunidades, locales y en linea.​

​Rescue the planet.. Start in your garden​
Community Participatory Video Project​
Proyecto de Video Participativo Comunitario​

​​​Rescatar la planeta... Iniciar en tu jardin. ​​

Movimiento Hip-Hop en Escuintla

"Cultura y Vida"

*Difundir el arte del Hip-Hop en el área de Escuintla.
*Expandir la mente para que la gente no nos vea como delincuentes.
*Que los niños tengan un espacio para dejar salir su creatividad y que ocupen su tiempo libre en algo productivo.(Graffiti, Breakdance y manualidades)


o a

@nena dieguez / @Guerita de Chola Pinup /  

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